4 Reasons A Narcissist Says No To Sex


Having your partner withhold sex in a relationship can be particularly painful. It leaves you feeling unwanted, unworthy, and even repulsive. The question then arises:

Why? What is wrong with me?

In a normal relationship, a candid conversation can often dispel doubts and recreate the intimacy required to restore the sexual relationship.

In the case of narcissists, the landscape is very different. Sex creates vulnerability, and vulnerability is anathema to the narcissist. If you enquire as to what is going on, they might gaslight you or blame you for it. This can leave you frustrated and looking elsewhere for answers.

Some reasons why a narcissist might withhold sex are:

1. Punishment

You have offended or hurt the narcissist, and they want to express their anger in the form of punishment. They want you to feel the pain they feel, and this has a sadistic edge to it. It especially happens with malignant narcissists and narcissists who have a psychopathic overlay to their personality. Quite simply, they want revenge, and they know that withholding sex creates immense hurt in you. They want you to feel undesirable and repulsive. That is the point.

2. Cerebral Narcissism

The narcissist is in a cerebral phase, and sex does not interest them. A narcissist does not necessarily enjoy sex, they only use it to get their partner attached to them, or, in the case of a somatic narcissist, to gain narcissistic supply.

JH Simon

Writer on a hero’s journey toward truth. Exploring power dynamics in life & love, through fiction & philosophy.

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