Rediscovering Love After Narcissistic Abuse

Love is like God, in that it:

a) Does not need your belief in it to continue existing, and,
b) Is something that is deeply entrenched in our being, whether we like it or not.

A narcissist takes love and shapes it for their own purposes, funnelling it into narcissistic supply. This is what narcissistic abuse is: A betrayal of your love.

Love is the free flow of life energy. We love, or we die. Simple. It is the reason children cling so dearly to their parents. Why people connect, share and play together. Why the target of narcissism stays in a relationship with a narcissist. From our conception to our last breath, we are born to love.

JH Simon

Writer on a hero’s journey toward truth. Exploring power dynamics in life & love, through fiction & philosophy.

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