Narcissistic Abuse Recovery: Where To Begin

Narcissistic abuse recovery is an arduous process. This beginner’s guide to healing can help you establish momentum in your journey toward freedom and growth.

Narcissistic abuse is a rigid funnel which sucks you into a state of mental and emotional claustrophobia. At first, your relationship with the narcissist appeared to be a wide-open space filled with opportunity.

But as you poured more and more energy into it, you felt the space around you vanish, and the psychological walls converging. As a result, narcissistic abuse seriously affected your willpower and rendered you powerless to fight back.

Having rid yourself of the narcissist, you now feel stuck in a different way:

The remnants of narcissistic abuse are holding you back from healing and moving on.

Yet all it takes to make a difference is a shift in perspective, and a little bit of support. Once you light the spark, there’s no telling how brightly the fire will burn.

To start the process of recovering from narcissistic abuse:

1. Drop The Victim Label

As long as you view yourself as a victim, you will unconsciously perpetuate and empower narcissism and stunt your recovery from narcissistic abuse.Although our experiences do shape us and define our present, creating an identity out of them is completely up to us.

The alternative to being a victim of narcissism is to consider yourself a targetinstead.

For one reason or another, you found yourself on the radar of a narcissist.That can happen to anybody, either through birth or misfortune.

The minute you become conscious of how detrimental narcissism has been to your life, you gain the profound power of choice in your narcissistic abuse recovery.

You can either let your past conditioning influence you, or you can decide to work toward a new future based on new experiences, which eventually overwrite the old ones.

How a person identifies themselves is hugely important. A label is a self-fulfilling prophecy which only deepens. Will you be a victim without power, or a target who is no longer willing to be manipulated by narcissistic abuse?

2. Establish A Space Immune From Narcissistic Abuse

The road to recovering from narcissistic abuse can be long, painful and full of frustration. This is because narcissists take away your greatest asset: your space.

We all need physical space to feel safe, psychological space to think and make wise choices, and emotional space to connect deeply with our True Self.

JH Simon

Writer on a hero’s journey toward truth. Exploring power dynamics in life & love, through fiction & philosophy.

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