Why Narcissists Flip-Flop Between Wanting & Not Wanting You


Narcissists feel empty inside due to extreme emotional neglect. They were never seen or mirrored for who they authentically were. Every time they expressed an authentic part of themselves, they were either shamed, ignored, ridiculed or attacked. Eventually, their True Self, at first gushing with life, dried up. This brought them face-to-face with death, with the abyss inside. Nobody can connect with someone who is dead inside. So the narcissist created a false self, which was fuelled by their imagination. That is, the narcissist dissociated from reality and dwelled in a fantasy-induced world.

The reason a narcissist flip-flops between wanting you and not wanting you is because you are a part of that fantasy-induced world.

JH Simon

Writer on a hero’s journey toward truth. Exploring power dynamics in life & love, through fiction & philosophy.

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