How To Cope While In A Narcissistic Relationship

The narcissist is incessant in getting you to focus your attention, time and energy on them. Above all, they are incessant in their psychological attacks.

The narcissist is hyper-vigilant, constantly scanning you for any signs of dissent, indifference, or abandonment. Because they have a paranoid core, it takes immense effort to convince them that they are safe with you. Just to be sure, they inflict an all-out assault to get you where they need. They ridicule and judge you to keep you feeling small. They threaten and blow up at you to keep you afraid. They question every move you make to keep you in a perpetual state of self-doubt, walking on eggshells and second-guessing everything you do.

JH Simon

Writer on a hero’s journey toward truth. Exploring power dynamics in life & love, through fiction & philosophy.

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