Can Psychedelics Heal A Narcissist?

When it comes to Cluster B personality disorders, DBT therapy is known as an effective treatment for borderline personality disorder. Furthermore, as the borderline ages, their dysregulation and other symptoms tend to reduce, often leading to a somewhat more stable second half of life.

The narcissist, on the other hand, tends to repeat the same idealise-devalue-discard cycle over and over, as they spiral toward worsening symptoms as they age. Most narcissists end life in a schizoid state, having either lost their power to garner narcissistic supply, or having grown cynical as they detach from society and sink into a paranoid life of isolation and emptiness while dreaming of their heyday.

For narcissists staring down the barrel of such a future, or for loved ones of narcissists who simply wish to see the narcissist change for the better, a question of possible treatments will always arise. The popular understanding is that there is no cure for narcissistic personality disorder besides surface-level behavioural changes. As the narcissist loses their looks and power in old age, their best-case scenario may be to begrudgingly alter their behaviour to try to keep certain people in their life.

But is there hope for change to be more than just superficial? Are there more potent treatments for narcissism than just talk therapy and wishful thinking?

The Wild Universe Of Psychedelics

Borderlines tend to have the potential for positive growth because their trauma came later in life, and so their True Self had the chance to develop. While borderlines are flooded by emotions to the point of insanity, their advantage over narcissists is that they at least have emotions to work with.

If your trousers are too short, you cannot make them longer. But if they are too long, you can trim them down to size. So it is with borderlines and narcissists. Borderlines can learn to regulate and manage their emotions. Narcissists, on the other hand, have little to work with even if they wanted to change. Their trauma came much earlier in life, resulting in a complete break with the True Self, leaving them with very little development. The narcissist therefore lacks the depth to develop satisfying authentic relationships. Their True Self is a barren wasteland.

Regular therapy and time do not resuscitate a neglected True Self. However, while the research into psychedelics is limited at this stage due to their legal status, the world is waking up to their potential to awaken dormant elements of the soul via other-worldly states of consciousness.

With psychedelics, anything seems to be possible. Dormant memories become accessible not only from current life, but from past lives via ancestral DNA. Psychedelics can also bring intergenerational pain and trauma to the surface to be processed and released. States of peace, love, power and wonder can be aroused in ways that the mind cannot fathom. Psychedelics do not only promise another world of therapy, but an entire universe.

Three types of psychedelics especially hold immense therapeutic potential:


MDMA works by increasing the activity of serotonin in the brain. It induces feelings of love, joy and peace, and elevates the senses beyond measure.

JH Simon

Writer on a hero’s journey toward truth. Exploring power dynamics in life & love, through fiction & philosophy.

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